Association of Friends and Supporters (VFF, Verein der Freunde und Förderer)

After the constitutive meeting on December 11, 2016 in the Catholic rectory in Neuzelle (1st row, from left to right): Fr. Simeon Wester, Thomas Wilke (treasurer ), P. Kilian Müller (Deputy Chairman), Bishop Wolfgang Ipolt, Lothar Bretterbauer (1st Chairman), Dr. Michael Haidan (Deputy Chairman), † Dr. Winfried Töpler (Secretary). Photo: K. Wöhle, Diocese of Görlitz.

The “Association of Friends and Supporters of the Cistercian Abbey of Neuzelle” aims to support, assist and promote the founding of the monastery and the monastic community in the activities, tasks and challenges they face, both ideally and materially.

The board of the association:
Bretterbauer, Lothar (1st chairman)
Dr. Haidan, Michael (deputy chairman)
Wester OCist, P. Simeon (deputy chairman)
Wilke, Thomas (treasurer)
Wilke, Beate (secretary)

Support the Cistercian priory of Neuzelle!

We welcome your support in the form of a membership of the Association of Friends and Supporters of the Cistercian Monastery of Neuzelle:

Minimum annual membership fee: 15 euros